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Moloco NP 7008 1957 Delivery 8' NP Shad. + 8' NPR Monad, Brainerd built 50' XM 15-0 Double-slider centered
After many years of successful 40-foot boxcar design and manufacturing at the Brainerd Shops in Brainerd, MN, times were changing and that meant cars needed to get longer. In 1955 the Northern Pacific Brainerd Shops started to build one of their most successful groups of 50-foot general service boxcar designs. These distinctive centered double-slider arrangement was not a common one, but it was NPs solution to their forestry based service area. The initial rivetted design of 1955 utilized many off the shelf car body components by Stanray, ends and roof panels, along with two Youngstown 7.5 foot sliding doors. Being added to Brainerd shop design and fabricated frames and sides. (500 cars)
The following year (1956) a new design (the subject of our model) emerged with a spec. change to Youngstown sides added to the design. With their distinctive diagonal panels on either side of the door opening meant a design change to the frame and associated side sill with a pronounced dip in the sill. These changes stiffened up the overall car and particularly the door opening. Brainerd manufactured 1350 cars of this design from 1956 to 1959 quite a feat considering that equated to about two cars a day. Perhaps the reason to purchase Youngstown sides instead to keep up with production levels. Being of Plate B clearance standard translated to unlimited service to all rail lines in the USA, Canada and Mexico.
The following 1960-61 years another design change evolved with welded sides and Superior double-sliders, but basically the same distinctive centering of the doors remained. (500 cars)
Handbrakes and wheels - Equipco 3750, Equipco wheel
Alternative artwork "SCENIC ROUTE OF THE" slogan for NP 6626, 6746, 6792, (NPRHA) 6749